Good River Wellness

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What is Good River Wellness?

Good River Wellness is a Health Assurance organization designed to support and nurture the wellness and vitality of our members so that in turn they can more fully nourish their world and share their abundant wellness with others. As a health assurance network we do not offer diagnosis or treatment of disease. We work with you and your primary care physician and other specialists to ensure that you are getting referred to appropriate care for the management of any disease symptoms you may suffer. Our role is your wellness and we will provide for you a comprehensive report with detailed information on your wellness status and areas to work on. Empowered with your new information you and your Naturopathic Wellness Coach will help you create a custom plan from our list of comprehensive wellness services offered within our network. Your membership will give you tokens that you can use to get discounts on wellness services, events and offerings of Good River wellness partners. 

After you participate in a wellness event you will receive points toward your wellness score. Each quarter you will get the opportunity to review your wellness scores and adjust your program to accommodate your current needs.

In order to get started Good River offers a comprehensive evaluation of your wellness holistically. Our wellness evaluation is comprehensive and begins with our screening online wellness exam, followed by our comprehensive online wellness inventory, a 72 step physical exam with a Naturopathic Physician and finishing with a panel of state of the art wellness testing profiles to help you create a robust overview of your overall wellness. 

Your wellness inventory will give you a 6 point wellness score with an overview of your wellness from five perspectives. With this inventory you will gain access to a network of vetted, wellness professionals that are committed to serving your wellcare needs and focus on support of one or more facets of your wellness. 

The Good River Wellness network offers a wide array of wellness services, from an eclectic network of wellness professionals. 

Health Assurance, Not Health Insurance

Good River Wellness is a Health Assurance Organization, we focus on supporting the general wellness of individuals and provide them with wellness and preventative services that enhance vitality. With this vitality we trust the body to take good care of itself. Our members can benefit from an array of offerings that support healthy lifestyle choices in your: nutrition; movement; mindfulness; spirituality; access to nature; and community involvement. Our members will receive an initial wellness evaluation and seasonal reviews from their Naturopathic Wellness Educator. With this potent wellness assessment they can participate in wellness offerings from our partners from an informed perspective, coordinating with your Naturopath to create a personal wellness program that will last through the seasons.  Your Good River wellness Plan gives you tokens that can be used for your personal wellness program and other Good River Events, Offerings, Products or Resources. Good River may have partnered with your employer who may offer you a base plan that you can augment (upgrade) to meet your wellness goals. 

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The Naturopathic Way

Good River uses the time tested methods of traditional Naturopathic medicine applying a principled approach to the care of our patients.   Naturopathic Medicine is based on 6 main principles.

  1. The Healing Power of Nature: Naturopathic medicine recognizes that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself. The role of the naturopathic physician is to support and facilitate this healing process by identifying and removing obstacles to health and promoting a balanced, natural state of being.
  2. Identify and Treat the Cause: Naturopathic physicians seek to identify and address the underlying causes of illness rather than merely suppressing symptoms. By addressing the root cause of disease, they aim to support the body's healing process and prevent future health problems.
  3. First, Do No Harm: Naturopathic medicine prioritizes the use of safe and non-invasive therapies with minimal side effects. Naturopathic physicians avoid the use of treatments that may harm the patient, focusing on methods that promote the body's self-healing mechanisms.
  4. Treat the Whole Person: Naturopathic medicine recognizes that health is influenced by multiple factors, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Naturopathic physicians take a comprehensive approach, considering all aspects of a person's well-being and tailoring treatments accordingly.
  5. Doctor as Teacher: Naturopathic physicians educate and empower their patients to take an active role in their own health. They provide knowledge, guidance, and support, helping patients understand their condition and make informed decisions about their health.
  6. Prevention: Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the importance of prevention and the promotion of overall well-being. Naturopathic physicians work with patients to identify and address risk factors for disease, supporting a proactive approach to health.
  7. Individualized Treatment: Naturopathic medicine recognizes that each person is unique and requires personalized care. Naturopathic physicians consider individual characteristics, genetics, lifestyle, and preferences when developing treatment plans, aiming to provide tailored therapies that address the specific needs of each patient.

Vis Medicatrix Naturae

Tolle Causam

Primum Non-Nocere

Tolle Totum


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